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Refuse Permission for Emissions: A Guide to Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

Written by Natasha Edwards | 18 July 2024

In July, we’re turning our attention to the significant impact of our daily routines on carbon emissions. Taking responsibility for our actions can make a substantial contribution to reducing our national carbon footprint. It's time to refuse permission for emissions by adopting simple yet effective practices – let’s take a look:


The Carbon Impact of Daily Routines:

It's easy to underestimate the carbon emissions and ecological footprint associated with our daily activities. From transportation choices to home energy use, each action impacts both our carbon footprint and biodiversity. By taking responsibility for these actions, we can collectively reduce emissions and conserve nature.



Turn Off Your Computer When Not in Use:

Electronic devices contribute to energy consumption, even when idle. Turning off your computer when not in use consumes 83% less energy than leaving it idle or in screen saver mode. This small action conserves energy, extends your device's lifespan, and reduces electricity demand from power plants that can harm natural habitats.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:

The foundational principles of waste management—reduce, reuse, and recycle—play a critical role in minimizing carbon emissions. Reducing waste at the source, reusing materials, and recycling appropriately can significantly lower the volume of waste that ends up in landfills, reducing methane emissions.


Proper Hazardous Waste Disposal:

Improper disposal of hazardous waste can lead to soil and water contamination, harming biodiversity and contributing to emissions. Ensure you dispose of hazardous materials like batteries, paint, and electronics at designated facilities.


Support Circular Economy Initiatives:

Circular South Africa (CSA) serves as the central hub for circular news and initiatives in South Africa. This platform provides invaluable insights regarding circular economy information, events, network connections, funding opportunities, and a range of initiatives dedicated to advancing the circular economy in South Africa. By supporting and engaging with CSA, you can help drive the transition to a circular economy, which minimizes waste, maximizes resource use, and significantly reduces carbon emissions. Explore Circular South Africa for more information.


Positive Impacts of Small Actions:

  • Reduced Carbon Emissions: Proper tire maintenance, turning off electronic devices, and choosing energy-efficient options in daily tasks all contribute to reduced carbon emissions, making a positive impact on the environment.
  • Resource Conservation: By opting for energy-efficient practices, you not only reduce your carbon footprint but also contribute to the conservation of resources like fuel, electricity, and water.
  • Financial Savings: Many energy-efficient practices result in financial savings. From lower fuel consumption to reduced energy bills, these small changes can have a positive impact on your wallet.


This July, let's refuse permission for emissions together. By adopting simple practices like turning off your computer when not in use, choosing energy-efficient options in daily tasks, and managing waste responsibly, we can collectively make a significant difference. These actions not only reduce our individual carbon footprints but also contribute to a healthier, more sustainable planet, preserving biodiversity for future generations.