KNOW WASTE | Insights

Global Recycling Day: A Pledge to Sustain Our Planet

Written by Natasha Edwards | 17 March 2024

As we stand on the cusp of Global Recycling Day, it's not merely a date on the calendar; it's a collective call to arms for a sustainable tomorrow. Journey with us as we explore the essence of Global Recycling Day, and delve into the South African recycling narrative,  uncovering actionable steps for both your home and workplace.


Since its inception in 2018, Global Recycling Day has evolved into more than an annual event. It's a global symphony, harmonizing our commitment to a sustainable future. This day unites the world, reminding us that recycling is not just a local concern—it's a global necessity. Our mission is clear: to implore world leaders to adopt a unified approach and to inspire individuals worldwide to reimagine waste to create opportunities for reuse and renewal.

Why Recycling Matters Globally

The past decade has thrust us into a climate emergency, with rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and the spectre of deforestation. Recycling emerges as a critical player in this global drama. Recognized in the UN's Sustainable Development Goals 2030, recycling stands as a sentinel against climate change, saving over 700 million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually.


Recycling in South Africa

With an astounding 122 million tonnes of waste generated annually, the task of managing this volume looms large on the national agenda. Minister Barbara Creecy's insights shed light on the gravity of the situation, emphasizing that only 20% of waste is recycled globally, whereas in South Africa, the recycling rate sits at 34%.


However, within this challenge lies a remarkable opportunity for transformation. South Africa is not merely grappling with waste management but is also emerging as a beacon of innovation in the recycling realm. Minister Creecy's advocacy for Extended Producer Schemes marks a significant shift in accountability, urging producers to take proactive steps in championing recycling initiatives for their products. This shift aligns seamlessly with the Circular Economy ethos, where reducing material footprints and promoting reuse and recycling are central tenets.


Amidst this, South African brands are carving out their niche as sustainability pioneers. From Pick n Pay to Woolworths and Unilever, these brands are not just meeting but surpassing recycling targets, as evidenced by PETCO's commendable 66% recycling rate for PET products.

Get Involved

At Home - Small Steps, Big Impact

Your home is a microcosm of change. Conduct a quick waste audit. How many recycling bins stand alongside regular waste bins? Ideally, your recycling bins should outnumber the others. If there isn’t one, it’s time to consider having one. Placing recycling bins strategically in different areas encourages a shift towards conscious waste separation. At home, recycling becomes a habit—a part of your lifestyle.


At Work: A Blueprint for Change

In the workplace, the dynamics of recycling differ. Consider the waste generated by your office. Are there recycling bins conveniently placed? Initiating a recycling program at work involves collaboration. It's about fostering a culture where every disposed item is viewed as a potential resource. The workplace, with its collective power, can become a beacon of sustainable practices.



As Global Recycling Day approaches, let's not confine our commitment to a single day. Let it be the spark for enduring change. Recycling is not a chore; it's a mindset - a lifestyle. It's about recognizing that the products we use daily are part of a larger cycle that can be renewed, repurposed, and rejuvenated.


Every action, no matter how small, shapes a sustainable future. Be a Recycling Hero, not just for a day, but for a lifetime. Collectively we can embark on a journey where our actions today lay the foundation for a healthier, greener tomorrow.